Issue No.2 2011/12/1
Exploring Sustainable Living through Nature Education
Since the industrial revolution, posing as conquerors human beings have been using all sorts of convenient excuses to excavate the earth and the sea for resources and to rob Nature unscrupulously. This has resulted in today’s numerous natural disasters. If we looked back over the last hundreds and thousands of years, we would see that our ancestors had once lived in harmony with Nature and had revered Nature with humility. There had not been terrible natural disasters such as what we have today.
Meanwhile, human beings have their root in nature. However, modern education has been trying to push us to destroy nature. Our ancestor was born in rural village and grown up on the land, whereas education has always encouraged us to stay away from our homeland and soil. Academic curriculum that separates human from nature is absolutely not conducive to nurture our future generations. ......[More]
- Sharing from nature education facilitators
- Rousing the Power of One's Mind and Spirit with Affective Nature Education -
An Interview with Teacher Qingshui
- Definitions of Terms Related with Nature Education

"This is the law of Nature, everyone should experience it." For the young people taking part in the Eco-agriculture and Youth Training Exchange, these words have provided them with a deeper level of understanding when they are bewildered and confused in their learning on sustainable living...[More]
 The problem of rocky desertification which is described as "earth cancer" has left experts helpless! With PCD's support, Guizhou Institute of Prataculture works with local villagers to find ways to restore Karst areas suffering from rocky desertification to its original natural and ecological landscape... [More]
 In the end of July, PCD and GreenSOS of Sichuan organized a field study in Xiao Er Township in Gong County at Yibin, Sichuan. Students and volunteers took part in the 10-day field study to explore changes in everyday life of the local people in the context of rapid urbanization, such as the implementation of garbage sorting and the adoption of urban consumption pattern and how residents were affected in their way of thinking... [More]
 Every plant has its survival intelligence. Have human beings in modern societies been putting too much emphasis on production gains in building agricultural ecosystems while ignoring plants' own intelligence in self-improvement and perfection? The life of every plant is a legend. How can human beings sustain these legends... [More]
Singing while smilingOur country has had a period of loss in culture and art. Even remote villages which have deep cultural and historical roots are now faced with problems of cultural conservation and transmission and continuing development of creativity. Because of this, we have launched a programme in the Bailinwan Village at Huaxi Township in Bazhong City, Sichuan. He Baicun, a veteran resource person on community music and drama and his team were invited to help the villagers organise a folk song learning group by bringing together talented folk singers in the village. By awakening their sense of belonging and their pride in their folk songs, the culture of folk song singing may live on... [More]
Insect Trap Cloth and Hole Digging Device for Mulching Cultivation of Rice"The farmers are capable of bringing up ideas. We have to trust them and provide them with opportunities. If we would encourage them and engage them, they would do a lot of things on their own initiative. Now they have given up using pesticides on their own initiative to save labour and expenses. What the farmers have in their minds is: This is my place so I'm the one to make decisions," Yuan Yong who has 17 years of experience in grassroot agricultural skills promotion said... [More]
Lao Wang's Times on Balcony Farm
The one-year "Balcony Farm in Kunming Project", supported by PCD, has been experimenting with growing vegetables. The aim is to find simple and appropriate ways to grow vegetables on balconies, to promote this idea and encourage urban dwellers to grow vegetables at home...
New Publications: Stories of the Costume of the Miao People
The history and changes of Miao villages and Miao people's understanding of life are embodied in their costume. A new PCD publication, Stories of the Costume of Miao People, tells the stories that come from villages of the Miao people in Guizhou.
Wealth of Exchange: Snail Walk in Kunming Blog
With our support Snail Walk in Kunming has set up a blog. We hope the blog would become a bridge between them and snails far away and a platform for information exchange between the snails. We wish that more people share what they think and do on the blog so that "x" become something rich, direct and simple. Please send your article to: ourxlife.kunming@gmail.com
You may be interested in the following information:
Our Programme Foci - Respect for Nature /
"Survivor filming stories of their own communities" Project introduction /
PCD Vision & Mission /
Our History /
Our Publications /
Primary Approach - Nurturing Facilitators /
Where we work

Established in Hong Kong in May 2001, Partnerships for Community Development (PCD) is a community development NGO set up and funded by the Kadoorie Foundation (via a stream of funds allocated by the Hon. Mrs McAulay). The Foundation is a Hong Kong-based trust founded in 1970 by the late Sir Horace Kadoorie, who believed in the principle,"Help people to help themselves".
PCD believes that everyone, however deprived in material terms, has the right and the ability to lead a dignified and sustainable life in harmony with others, with nature, and with the world at large. Individual well-being is crucial in maintaining a harmonious and sustainable community. PCD believes that the community has to work together to reflect on its relationship with nature and on its cultural traditions.

Hong Kong Head Office:
3/F, Highgrade Building,
117 Chatham Road S.,
Tsim Sha Tsui
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2458-0011
Fax: (852) 2430-7099
Email: info@pcd.org.hk
Webpage: www.pcd.org.hk
Programme Offices:
Sichuan Programme Office
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